General Car Show Information

REMINDER: No carry-ins permitted. Your cooperation and understanding would be immensely appreciated. Our mission is to continue our 47-year tradition of presenting one of the Midwest’s Premier Collector Car Show events free for spectators and registration is only $5.00 to park your car in the show. Monies raised from the sales of food and beverages fund show expenses and profits are donated to various organizations in the community.


COLLECTOR CAR/TRUCK ENTRY GUIDELINES: Collector cars/trucks entered in the show must be 1994 or older.  Registration is only $5.00 at the park entrance to show your car in Pierce Park.  

ADMISSION: The car show and all activities on the grounds are FREE to Old Car enthusiasts and spectators, including youth activities.

COLLECTOR CAR REGISTRATION: There is a $5.00 registration fee to display your collector car/truck at the show and each old car/truck registered will receive the following:
• 47th Anniversary Magnetic Dash Plaque – First 1000 entrants
• Trophies – Opportunity to win one of 29 trophies. Car owners vote for cars within their class.

Registration for show cars and their participants is held at the stage of the pavilion on the east side. This is an excellent location to secure directions or emergency assistance.

CAR SHOW HOURS: Event hours are 8:00am – 4:00pm.  Cars may register no earlier than 8:00 a.m. and will not be allowed into show after 2:00 p.m. The official and basically only acceptable entrance to the car show is located on the southwest corner of the intersection of Prospect and Pierce Streets. Please look for signs and follow the directions of show staff.

PARK RULES: Due to the heavy concentration and close proximity of the show cars in the park, strict fire regulation will be enforced. NO OPEN FIRES, grills, or cooking fires will be permitted in the park the day of the car show. The show sponsors wish to encourage a minimum amount of car movement in the show area and that movement should be made at a safe and respectable pace as not to hazard participants or spectators. Flame throwing, burnouts and spinning of tires in park are strictly forbidden. No motorcycles are permitted to be parked in Pierce Park. Motorcycles must be parked on the street. No firearm sales permitted in swap meet or on show grounds.

FOOD AVAILABLE: The Appleton Fox-Cities Kiwanis have organized a variety of food trucks from the area that will be available on the grounds. There will be food and beverage trucks located throughout the park.

SWAP MEET & CAR CORRAL: A very popular and well-attended area has been designated within the park for a Swap Area and Car Corral. The Swap Area and Car Corral are located on the northwest side of the park. Use park map for directions. The forms for reserving Swap Meet and Car Corral spaces are available on this website. Click HERE for forms.

The Car Corral is a designated area where cars for sale are parked in a reserved paid-for space. Please note that NO FOR SALE SIGNS are allowed on cars parked in the car show display areas. Cars with For Sale signs will be asked to remove them and/or remove their car from the show. Car corral cars must be 1999 and older. If you would like to sell a car newer than 1999, you may purchase a swap space and sell it in the swap meet area.

The entrance to the Swap Meet and Car Corral for vendors is the entrance to Piece Park from Prospect on the North side of the park. Swap meet vendors should use the right lane, stop for registration, then proceed by direction to their designated swap spaces. Vehicles entering the Car Corral will use the same north entrance off Prospect, but use the left lane through the entrance, stop for registration, then proceed by direc- tion to the Car Corral.

Please note: No firearm or knife sales permitted in the swap meet.

FIRST AID & EMERGENCIES: A first aid station has been established on the south end of the pavilion for any emergency. Police are available on the grounds during the car show. For best information or for an emergency, head for the registration stand in the pavilion.

HANDICAPPED PARKING: A handicap parking area has been designed just inside and on the west side of the Prospect Street entrance to Pierce Park. It is also located on Prospect Street on the North side of Pierce Park.

RESTROOM FACILITIES: Restroom facilities are located just off of the pavilion on its Northwest corner. There are also portable restrooms located throughout the grounds.

INVITED CLASSICS: The Appleton Old Car Show has invited a select group of Classics and Old Cars to participate in The GREAT MOTORING MEMORIES display. This tented and roped-off area, east of the pavilion, presents some of the area’s classic automobiles and outstanding examples of unique and one-of-a-kind vehicles that have achieved prominence in automobile history. Preference is given to brass-era antique and classic cars. In past years, many of the cars featured have received the prestigious honor of having been judged national winners in concours competition. The public is invited to view these selected old cars. When enjoying any of the hundreds of cars on display please respect the value of these cars to their owners.

TRADEMARK: The Appleton 2024 symbol is a trademark of the Appleton Old Car Club. Reproduction in any form, on any item, is restricted to authorized vendors. All such requests must be received and authorized prior to July 1, 2024.